Mireille Roobaert


Mireille Roobaert, photographer and storyteller, interprets the architecture in everything to show us its reality. In her new series entitled "Les iris de la forêt" (The irises of the forest), she imagines the living nature of trees, and places the notion of observation in abyme, through a unique point of view, a tour of ourselves.

The digital revolution has liberated the creativity of this visual artist, who has made anamorphoses her embodied language. For the past 20 years, she has been using technology as a tool for transformed realism, and has been creating virtual spheres, matrices of her phantasmagoria.

Je fais souvent appel à Mireille pour la qualité de son travail mais aussi pour sa disponibilité et sa rapidité. Aussi douée en portrait qu’en photo architecturale et artistique.
Michel Penneman

Excellente photographe pour Intérior Design - Archi - Portraits

Lucia Esteves

Artiste et photographe à la fois !

Sacha Crasson

Beaux angles, vérité des clichés, justesse !

Michel Dugradin

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